Point System, Player Rating, Skill Level adjustment

Point System

The winner receives 14 points for a 2-set win, and 12 points for a 3-set win. The loser receives a point for each game won in their two highest scoring sets up to a maximum of 8 points for each match played.

Example #1 Match Score 6-4, 6-2, winner = 14 pts. & loser = 6 pts.

Example #2 Match Score 6-2, 4-6, 7-5, winner = 12 pts. & loser = 8 pts.

1.  The 12 points received by the winner was derived from the normal 6 + 6 points collected in most two set victories. The league awards an additional two points or 14 points for players able to win in straight sets to help better separate the top players in each division.

2.  The loser's scores are capped at 8 points to help ensure that players who win more matches will usually achieve more points.



Calculating Your Player Rating

Your proficiency at any given level is determined by calculating your "differential" - the difference in the number of league points you win and lose during the season divided by the number of matches played. This is the number you see in the Player Rating column on your schedule. Matches played against subs, defaults, incompletes, and retirements do not represent your abilities and are not included. Your "differential" or rating gives a statistically accurate picture of how competitive a player you are at your skill level. During the season you will notice your Player Rating number will after each match, being finalized after 7 weeks of play. This final number will determine what skill level you will compete at in the next season. (see below)


Because your Player Rating is dependent on the point spread of each match it is very important for players seeking to move up a skill level to close out each match as convincingly as possible. DO NOT coast or give games to your opponents, otherwise your Player Rating will not reflect your true ability. Below is an example of how we calculate your Player Rating. Note: Week 3 was not used in the calculation due to a sub being used.


   Wk 1  Wk 2  Wk 3  Wk 4  Wk 5  Wk 6  Wk 7  
 Points  14  12  8P  4  14  12  12  
 Opponent's Points  6  8  12S  14  8  7  8  
 Point Difference  +8  +4  N/A  -10  +6  +5  +4  17 Total Points


17 points divided by 6 valid matches = +2.8 End of season Player Rating


Adjusting Your Skill Level

Your skill level is based on your Player Rating from your most recent season of play. Your skill level will adjust from one season to the next based on the rules below:

  • If your Player Rating is -4.9 to +4.9 you stay at your current skill level. 
  • Borderline + Rating: If your Player Rating is +5.0 to +5.9 you have the option of moving up 1 level or remain at your current skill level.
  • If your Player Rating is +6.0 or greater, you move up 1 skill level. 
  • If you are the Champion of the playoffs at your skill level, you move up 1 skill level. 
  • If you win a division by finishing with the most points at the end of the season, you can request to move up to the next level.  Your request will be decided upon by the League Coordinator.
  • Borderline (-) Rating:  If your Player Rating is -5.0 to -5.9 you have the option of moving down 1 skill level or remain at your current skill level. 
  • If your Player Rating is -6.0 or lower you move down 1 skill level.
  • If your Player Rating exceeds a +10.0 or -10.0, you may move up or down 2 levels at the discretion of the League Coordinator


Placement for the following season and for the playoffs will be based on all matches that are in by the Sunday before the final week of the season.


* If a player with a borderline rating does not email the League Coordinator with a preference of moving up/down or staying at the same level, the League Coordinator will make the decision. Do not expect the League Coordinator to contact you to ask where you want to be placed.


Men only - Spring Season Skill Level Reset according to UTR

Before the Spring Singles Season of each new year,  all active male players will see their skill levels reset according to UTR (Universal Tennis Rating).  Players can see their UTR postedundertheir name and skill level onthe same page where their schedule is located.  See the skill levels and the corresponding UTR ranges below:

Skill Level UTR Range
2.5 1.00 to 1.74
3.0 1.75 to 2.49
3.25  2.50 to 3.24
3.5 3.25 to 3.99
3.75 4.00 to 4.74
4.0 4.75 to 5.49
4.25 5.50 to 6.14
4.5  6.15 to 6.89
4.75 6.90 to 7.64
5.0 7.65 and up
  • Why not women?  Currently their are not enough female match scores in the UTR pool for the Chicago and STL regions to create a reliable UTR rating for women.  When that changes, we will use the UTR rating as the standard for our skill levels for female players also.
  • Why reset the skill levels?  

1. Seamless transition for new players:  These levels are roughly more in line with the skill levels at area clubs, USTA, and other team tennis organizations in the area.  New players who play in other organized tennis can enter our league more accurately.  The UTR rating also enables a more accurate entry for new players who have a UTR Rating from UTR tournaments.
2. Parity of competition in the playoffs:  Organizing the levels by UTR range also means that players from one region of the league (e.g. Chicago, Naperville, Northwest...) will be equal to players from another region.  This matters when we have the end of the year playoffs, where players from different regions face off for the first time against each other.
3. Parity of competition between men and upper level women:  We have been running coed divisions over the past 4 years, including women 4.5 & above in with the men.  This will enable us to have more coed divisions.  Right now, the NTRP levels for men and women are very different.  For example, a 4.0 woman is typically equal to a 3.5 man player.  UTR removes the difference and puts everyone on the same rating.
4. To avoid inflated skill levels: Players' skill levels become inflated after a year of placement according to the Gladiator Player Rating system.  That is why we reset each Spring according to UTR.


Bonus Points

Bonus points are earned when a player does one of the things below that contribute to a great experience for all the players:

  • 20 Bonus points = 1 free Singles season
  • 15 Bonus Points - 1 free doubles or mixed doubles season
  • Receiving an excellent "5" rating from another player for initiative/cooperation in scheduling a match (1 Bonus Point)
  • Playing a "sub" match (3 Bonus Points)
  • Playing a "ratings match" with an incoming player (3 Bonus Points)
  • Referring a new player into the league (10 Bonus Points)


How to see your Bonus Point Total:

  1. Login to www.gladiatortennis.com
  2. Click the Profile link in the upper right corner where the 3 lines are.
  3. Scroll down on the screen that appears until you can see the Player Profile section where you can see your Bonus Point total.


Simply email the League Coordinator to redeem a free season.